Boy Scout Beach

2 minute read

Regardless of your affiliation with the Boy Scouts, the trails around their Juneau camp provide level day hikes and easy access to one of the best beaches in the area.

The initial route winds through three distinct ecosystems. The trailhead begins in the coastal rainforest, then opens across a series of breezy meadows. Branching paths each lead through thick walls of trees that screen sections of curving of white sand. On a sunny day along the shoreline you might think you’re in the tropics. Dip your toe in the water though, and the glacial sting will bring you back to Alaska.  

In early May, we happened to be across the river when we caught smoke billowing from the distance and flames leaping from the trees. We watched idly as a bright yellow helicopter circled above, repeatedly scooping water from the ocean and dousing the area. We later learned that an unattended fire had gotten out of control - volunteers rushed to beat back the flames, but on a hot, sunny day, they couldn’t contain it. Fire consumed several acres of the peninsula before the bucket brigade, Forest Service firefighters, and their aerial resource stamped out the blaze.

Two months later, we ran through the area expecting a charred wasteland of destruction. Instead, we found hardly a trace - a few skeletons of trees in an explosion of greenery and fireweed springing from the ash. A testimony to the importance of fire in the ecosystem, and a heartening reminder that Mother Earth abides.

Fireweed lines the route along Boy Scout Beach trail.

The Details

From downtown Juneau, take Glacier Highway 26 miles and turn left at Herbert River Road. After approximately 800 ft, turn right, and follow the road to the end to park. The trail crosses a small footbridge before forking: left leads to Amalga Harbor, while right follows Herbert river to the beach. The main trail is 2.3 miles (3.7 km) to the beach, although there are several branches to choose from - you can easily piece together a four to five mile (8-10 km) loop. The sand wraps around a small peninsula and catches sun almost any time of day. Download the Boy Scout Beach GPX file to add to Google Maps or your GPS device.

The Boy Scouts of America run a camp in this area. Avoid taking trails that lead into the camp - respect their signage and avoid trespassing.

Stay safe out there!


Everything Alaska: 3


Everything Alaska: 2